A central aim of INTP is to allow more people to engage in knowledge creation outside the bounds of academia, at any level on the spectrum between a creative hobby and a professional activity.

A large part of this aim relies on education and training, which serve a double purpose in our efforts:
- to share knowledge and the means to build it with more people, at any level of expertise,
- and as a core activity to support independent researchers.

We provide education for various audiences:

For professional researchers

We aim to propose several courses per year aimed at university students, academics, and non-academic professional researchers.

Our flagship project is our yearly Autumn School in Theoretical Ecology (see 2023 edition).

For a broader audience

We want to spread a scientific culture that is grounded in the active practice of research. Rather than a set of authorized beliefs, we think that popular science should be about learning thinking skills, and criteria for evaluating one's own thinking.

Research residencies for non-professional researchers taking several days to formulate a research question and hypotheses, gather data and develop a scientific argument.

Popular science talks at Eurêkafé in Toulouse (e.g. in 2023)

Presenting science careers in schools in the French region Occitanie