The Institut Natura e Teoria en Pirenèus has opened its 2024-2025 series of research residencies. Join us in a quiet natural environment in the middle of the Pyrenees to work on scientific and/or artistic projects!

The call is open to all profiles and disciplines. The goals of our program are to:

  • give you time to work, step back and reflect on your aims and challenges

  • encourage a balance between diverse disciplines, skills and activities

  • experiment with different ways of working and collaborating in research

  • foster deep explorations and syntheses of fields of knowledge, their logic, limits and bridges

Previous residents include dozens of students and academics from many disciplines, whether ecologists, physicists, philologists, historians, food scientists or mathematicians, as well as private sector, amateur and freelance scientists and artists.

Please apply through the form below (click on the calendar for details of each residence)

Personal work residency

Goals: Take time to work on your own projects in a calm and welcoming environment, escape from daily life and meet other residents. Examples:

- write an article, a book or a thesis
- think and discuss through a pivotal time (early career, change of topics, etc.)
- do research as a non-career scientist

Interactions: A stay will usually include at least one main opportunity (e.g. a discussion, presentation or showcase) for exchange with INTP members, other residents and possibly a larger public audience. Residents often self-organize for informal exchanges and other activities e.g. hikes, arts.

Research + organized activity

Goals: Some residencies propose a mix of free time for personal work, and daily non-research activities organized by us, which all residents are invited to join (though this is not mandatory, residents interested in these activities will be prioritized).

Example of activities include:
- mountain sports (hikes, climbing, via ferrata)
- classes (cooking, dance) with an extra fee for the instructor
- music or arts practice
- physical and mental exercise

Click on the calendar above for details of proposed activities.

Intensive / exploratory sessions

Goals: These week-long sessions combine personal work time with joint daily scientific activities or challenges. These weeks are aimed at improving our skills in research or experimenting with different ways of working alone or together, e.g.:

- science jam, hackathon
- brainstorming & creativity training
- deconstructing or synthesizing a field of knowledge

Interactions: This is (co-)organized by INTP members who will be participating on a daily basis. These sessions are usually more demanding of participants and some may require preparatory work.

Long-term residency

We are currently accepting applications for long-term residents (up to 6 months).

Please contact us directly ( if you are interested in spending an extended period of time in our co-living and co-working space, whether for a sabbatical, a long writing or research project, a pivotal time in your career, to pursue a freelance research career, etc.

Application form

Write us directly at if you have ideas for group retreats, events, workshops, etc. For individual residencies, please use the form below:

(Click here to open the form in a new tab)

Conditions & fees

The length of a first stay will usually be from 3 to 14 days. Residents will be hosted in small cohorts in our campus in Surba, in a beautiful valley of the French Pyrenees: see all details here.

The INTP is a small-scale, self-funded and self-energized nonprofit, so we hope that residents will want to help us keep it running!

We offer different ways of contributing, as we believe that it is important for research in science and art to be available to everyone, regardless of means and status. Their availability may vary depending on our own situation:

* Full financial contribution: 50 euros/day + food costs (possible group discounts) for visitors with access to funding

* Pay-what-you-can and/or volunteering time -- recommended minimum of 20 euros/day all included (lodging+food) or equivalent

Do not hesitate to contact us with questions or to discuss your situation -- we will do our best to ensure opportunities for everyone and offer alternative ways of contributing.