The Institut Natura e Teoria en Pirenèus is offering a week-long writing retreat for young researchers to work on their thesis or articles.

We will host up to 6 people in individual bedrooms. The schedule and meals will be co-organized with participants, we will suggest structures and options for logistics, writing sessions, and outdoors activities.

When : July 8 to 12 included (you may also come only from 9 to 11)

Who : doctoral students from all disciplines as well as interns and postdocs.

Fees : pay-what-you-want + groceries

Where : INTP campus in Surba in the Pyrenees, can be reached by train from Toulouse (or night train from Paris), cf.

To register, for more information, or to hear about future events, please reply to this email ( by July 1st at the latest.

Please do not hesitate to share this message in your network!