I work as an associate professor in the Alpine Ecology Lab (LECA) in Chambéry, Université de Savoie (France). There, I develop several empirical studies in functional and community ecology, mainly on plant-grasshopper interactions. I joined the INTP project because several of its members are friends, because the Pyrenées mountains are as exiting as the Alpes, and also for a bunch of scientific reasons. I have always been keen on theoretical work, mainly on eco-evolutionary models because I enjoy frameworks allowing reciprocal causation.
This allows for instance to study the evolution of niche construction, which a couple of us have done for the evolution of tannin production through positive plant-soil feedbacks. More recently, I have developed projects about how we should understand ecosystem evolution and development. This kind of purely conceptual projects do not necessarily imply the use of mathematical modelling, but I believe that math-based and concept-based theory can fruitfully work together, hence my interest for INTP.