What is INTP

We are an independent lab and residency center for fundamental research and training, with a non-exclusive bent toward the natural and theoretical sciences, created to complement and interact with the current landscape of research through (read more about our mission)

Our residency & training center

The Campus in the Pyrenees (read more)

Photos: Ray Vüilsen, Marie Aste, Samuel Lévêque, Yuval Zelnik.

Why come & what to expect (apply)

  • Personal retreats to work on your own projects
  • Workshops and playgrounds to experiment with how we do research and how we live around it
  • Discussion times and seminars to exchange with other residents or a broader audience
  • A large house in the mountains with private rooms, work spaces, shared meals and activities
  • 5 to 10 residents and up to 20 participants in group events, workshops and schools.

Who we are

Team members

Our executive and ideas board


Permanent, temporary and alumni


Our Helper Hall of Fame:

Marielle (Israel) 12/20 - 01/21 Myrthe & Marijn (Netherlands) 01/21 Nick (England) 01/21 Gemma (England) 01-02/21 Soledad (Argentina) 01-02/21 Ragnhild (Norway) 02/21 Marine (France) 02/21 Jan (Germany) 02/21 Estelle (France) 02/21 Timo (Netherlands) 03/21 Simon (Belgium) 03/21 Arnaud (Netherlands) 03/21 Pedro & Alexandra (France) 04/21 Remi & Lola (France) 07/21 Antoine (France) 9/21-4/22 Dinte (Netherlands) 10/21 Flo & Thomas (France) 10/21 Wiebke (Germany) 11/21 Lena (Germany) 01/22 Anita & Hippo (Slovakia & Belgium) 4/22

Our partners